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Dr. Abby LePage is a Psychologist in Washington, DC who specializes in depression, anxiety, relationship concerns, and general life transitions. Clients often seek treatment with Dr. LePage when they feel they are struggling with some aspect of their life. For some, it may be difficult to point to exactly what’s going wrong. For others, it's simply have a vague sense that things just aren’t going the way they want them to. Dr. LePage understands that no matter if you have a clear picture of what you wish to work on or instead feel like you just need a place to explore you thoughts and feelings, therapy is a great way to work through this distress.
Dr. LePage's training in psychodynamic theory has helped her understand the impact that our early lives and experiences can have on our current problems. Sometimes, the distress we feel is the result of habits, behaviors, and thought patterns we learned early on. These may have once been useful, but now leave us feeling “stuck” and unhappy. She believes that through exploring your early experiences and better understanding how these habits, behaviors, and thought patterns came to be, you can develop new, more adaptive ones. This is ultimately what brings about lasting change, what removes the obstacles from your path and allows you to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life.
A large part of Dr. LePage's work has focused on sitting with individuals experiencing grief. It is an unfortunate truth that we often do not allow people experiencing a loss the space to talk about their grief, the conflicted emotions that they find themselves cycling through each day, each moment. If you are going through a loss right now, you might find yourself bottling up your feelings and presenting yourself as “ok” to others, even when your grief is all you can think about, the only thing you feel. Therapy can be that one space in your life where you don’t have to be “ok,” where you can be sad, angry, lonely, guilty. Dr. LePage knows that while therapy will not make your grief go away, it will give you the space to talk about what you’re going through, to remember your loved one, and to start to feel less alone with your feelings.
Loss and grief - Emotionally preparing for the anticipated passing of a loved one; managing feelings and reactions to a death or loss of significance; support during the process of healing and acceptance
Anxiety - Coping with excessive worry, nervousness, or stress; intense discomfort in social settings (social anxiety); sudden and intense feelings of panic (panic disorder)
Depression - Providing support and promoting healing of hopelessness, low motivation and energy, sadness, irritability, sleep disturbance, and loss of interest and pleasure in life
College & graduate student mental health - Specialized strategies for common issues of young adulthood, including school and career stressors, support around healthy relationships, existential concerns, drug or alcohol issues, eating disorders, and anxiety and/or depression
Identity development - Understanding, accepting, and strengthening one’s sense of self through the exploration of family, work, and personal values
Relationships - Understanding one’s wants and needs in relationships; exploring patterns of interaction, addressing concerns, and strengthening satisfaction in relationships and dating
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