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Christina Tindal, is a therapist practicing in private practice in Michigan. She sees clientele via zoom for 45 min sessions, 60 mins and 90 mins sessions. She specializes in females ages 17-30, with a focus on Women’s Health Issues, Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, Trauma, Bipolar Disorder, Adjustment Disorders and Career Issues. She does treat adults throughout the lifespan and also has several male clientele as well.
She brings a unique background, as a licensed therapist with studies in Medicine, Pharmacology, Chemistry, Biology and Advanced Studies in Business and Coaching. She has been a therapist for over 17 years, as well as an Executive and Business Coach. She has over 20 years experience in crisis management and utilizes these skills in the framework of her sessions.
Therapy sessions with Christina integrate CBT and DBT skills, along with an insight-oriented and strength-based approach. She also utilizes mindfulness as desired and has a background as a certified hypnotherapist as well. She gently challenges her clients to explore connections between current struggles and past behavior as well as exploring thought patterns that may lead to current difficulties in present functioning.
While exploring the past does assist in understanding the present, she also ensures that her clients are equipped with skills to last a lifetime, long after they have completed therapy. These skills are gained through present-focused solutions that often have an immediate impact and help to decrease anxiety and stabilize depressive symptoms.
Years of Experience: 24 years
ADHD - Skill-building and support around organizational challenges, distracted attention, procrastination; building and maintaining healthy routines and structure
Adjustment difficulties & disorders - Support around adapting to new and/or challenging life circumstances; skill-building for improved stress management and reduction of anxiety.
Anxiety - Coping with excessive worry, nervousness, or stress; intense discomfort in social settings (social anxiety); sudden and intense feelings of panic (panic disorder)
Depression - Providing support and promoting healing of hopelessness, low motivation and energy, sadness, irritability, sleep disturbance, and loss of interest and pleasure in life
Life transitions - Coping with difficult or impactful life changes, such as moving to a new area, relationship transitions, child rearing, or career changes; learning self-care to better manage resulting stress
Work stress - Managing overwhelming stress and expectations; increasing effective ways of restoring and maintaining emotional stability and health; addressing challenging relationships with coworkers and bosses
This provider can support you in getting reimbursement from your insurance company if you are seeking out-of-network reimbursement. Here are the out-of-network billing options they provide:
Frequency of sessions this provider offers to see clients once you are an established client.
Documentation for School, Work - $75
Documentation for FMLA/Disability - $125
Court Documentation - Fees Vary