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Dr. Christopher Schadt is a licensed clinical psychologist practicing in the Silver Lake neighborhood of Los Angeles where he provides individual and couples therapy to adults of all ages. Many of Dr. Schadt's clients are thoughtful and introspective in their approach to therapy. They come with a strong desire to understand the patterns and dynamics at play in their relationships – whether it be within a romantic relationship, a parent/family dynamic, or a challenging relationship with a boss. Together, Dr. Schadt and his clients explore how their challenges in relationships can leave them with feelings of anger, depression, anxiety, perfectionism, difficulty with assertiveness and setting boundaries, guilt, shame and more.
As an interpersonally trained and depth-oriented therapist, Dr. Schadt views these psychological symptoms as reflections of difficulties functioning in relationships. Dr. Schadt works with his clients to both identify the root causes of these feelings, as well as help them develop the capacity to break free from repetitive cycles, leading to greater fulfillment and happiness.
Dr. Schadt places a strong emphasis on creating an inclusive, warm and collaborative therapeutic alliance. He is currently offering both in-person and telehealth sessions, as well as hybrid schedules for clients who need greater flexibility in accessing care.
Years of Experience: 6 years
Anxiety - Coping with excessive worry, nervousness, or stress; intense discomfort in social settings (social anxiety); sudden and intense feelings of panic (panic disorder)
Men's issues - Expertise in working with adult men; providing a safe and understanding space to address life challenges and promote physical and mental health
Relationship issues - Understanding one’s wants and needs in relationships; exploring patterns of interaction, addressing concerns, and strengthening satisfaction in relationships and dating
Insomnia & sleep issues - Exploring ways to improve sleep patterns, develop healthy sleep hygiene, master relaxation techniques, manage stressors, reduce worrying, and address insomnia
Trauma - Coping and healing after threatening or scary events, such as witnessing accidents or experiencing sexual, verbal, emotional, or physical abuse
Assertiveness - Empowering oneself to prioritize one’s needs above others, especially when it comes to mental health; practicing how to set and maintain boundaries; exploring why it can be difficult to stand up for oneself in certain situations
Christopher Schadt is not in-network with any insurances.
Read about the benefits of seeing an out-of-network provider here.
This provider can support you in getting reimbursement from your insurance company if you are seeking out-of-network reimbursement. Here are the out-of-network billing options they provide:
Frequency of sessions this provider offers to see clients once you are an established client.
Due to the significant burden placed on mental health providers by health insurance companies, I unfortunately do not bill insurance directly and am not in-network with any health insurance company. I do understand that this may make accessing psychotherapy more difficult and I am committed to doing what I can to decrease the barriers that may stand in the way of you receiving care. If you have a PPO insurance plan, you likely have out-of-network benefits that may cover a significant portion of the cost. I am happy to help you understand and leverage your out-of-network benefits to supplement the cost of treatment. As a part of accessing your benefits I will also provide you with regular receipts (aka “Superbills”) which you can provide to your insurance to receive reimbursement for the costs of therapy.
The practice will call you for a free 10min phone call to discuss your needs and ensure a match!
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