Profile image of Julie  Williams

Julie Williams

Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor, CADC
Adjustment difficulties & disorders- Anxiety -Chronic illness-Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)- Depression-Borderline personality disorder-

See Julie's Details for:

AboutSpecialtiesLocationsInsurance & FeesTestimonials

Professional statement

Julie is a Licensed Professional Counselor with a private practice in Royersford Pennsylvania, where she provides individual, group, family, and couples therapies who are seeking to get their mind in balance from trauma, anxiety, and depression. Many people enter therapy believing they are doomed for life. They are not doomed. Therapy will help uncover those strengths you have that have been lost amidst the chaos. Julie walks together with people to shine a light on the underlying issues that are behind these disbalances, while learning their story, making sense of those thoughts and feelings, and creating ways to balance them each day. Her clients will set the pace.

Therapy sessions with Julie be a combination of gaining insight and learning skills to manage those bothersome thoughts . She gently pulls in the aspects of life, explores the root cause of their experiences, unleashing new awareness into their emotional and relationship patterns.

Having personal trauma recovery herself, Julie is uniquely skilled in working with those experiencing trauma and helping to move through those unexpected life changing events that have impacted life. She brings a special understanding of how you can heal from trauma and her environment she provides will help you feel safe and secure to allow the recovery process to unfold.

Julie is committed to maintaining an inclusive practice. With a background in trauma care, she is particularly sensitive to the recovery process, and welcomes a wide range of young professionals, freelancers, executives, parents, and young adults to her practice.

Message to clients

You’ve tried everything you know to do – and yet everything seems so exhausting – so uncertain.

You can build your confidence.

I will help you build a respectful and nonjudgmental culture – toward yourself.

We’ll work together to tell your life stories – all of them. We’ll learn from the recurring themes and discover how they’ve impacted your self-talk.

And we’ll tackle each negative thought. You’ll challenge yourself to change for good. You’ll realize how infused you’ve been to the problem and, more importantly, how to differentiate – and separate – yourself from it.

During the therapy process, we’ll unleash your new perspective and the empowerment that’s always been there inside you.

Getting back to your calm state where you can be fully present in your life is more than just a fantasy.

Over time, the therapeutic process will help you break those thought habits and get you back to your “normal.” You can get back in balance.

When you process those underlying causes back to when they started, you’ll empower yourself to rewire your brain.

You’ll tap into those dormant strengths, patiently waiting for you to reclaim them, and you’ll treat yourself better.

You’ll be fully present again and reclaim your joy.

Work and Education

Years of Experience: 20 years

Life In balance Services PLLC, Founding Therapist, 2020 - Present
Penn Foundation Inc, Vice President of Clinical services, 2003 - 2021

Immaculata University, M. A., 2005
Old Dominion University, B.S, 2000


Pennsylvania: PC006376




Adjustment difficulties & disorders - Support around adapting to new and/or challenging life circumstances; skill-building for improved stress management and reduction of anxiety.

Anxiety - Coping with excessive worry, nervousness, or stress; intense discomfort in social settings (social anxiety); sudden and intense feelings of panic (panic disorder)

Chronic illness - Receiving a diagnosis; adjusting to lifestyle and medication changes; coping with related changes in mood, emotions, and relationships; managing symptoms and stress

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - Healing painful experiences and memories from the past

Depression - Providing support and promoting healing of hopelessness, low motivation and energy, sadness, irritability, sleep disturbance, and loss of interest and pleasure in life

Borderline personality disorder - Increasing insight into relational patterns and destructive behaviors; development of coping strategies for uncomfortable emotions or situations; skills for emotional identification and regulation.


  • Adults (24+)
  • Couples
  • Families
  • Parents
  • Teenagers (13-18)
  • Young adults (18-24)

Locations & Hours


  • AARP
  • Aetna
  • All Savers Insurance Company
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • Meritain Health
  • Optum
  • Quest Behavioral Health
  • UMR
  • United Healthcare
  • United Healthcare Student Health Plan

Out-of-pocket fees

  • Individual sessions:$100 (45min)
  • Initial session:$200 (60min)
  • Couples sessions:$150 (45min)
  • Group sessions:$75 (45min)
  • Family sessions:$150 (45min)
  • Monthly Subscription:$400 (180min)
  • Single Case Consultation Session:$150 (60min)

Additional session information

Out-of-network billing options

This provider can support you in getting reimbursement from your insurance company if you are seeking out-of-network reimbursement. Here are the out-of-network billing options they provide:

  • Super billing
Payment options
  • Credit Card
  • Debit Card
  • Venmo
  • IvyPay
Session frequency

Frequency of sessions this provider offers to see clients once you are an established client.

  • Weekly
  • Every other week
  • Multiple times a week
  • As needed
Therapist's note

Julie also accepts Mental Health Consultants (MHC) as a form of insurance for sessions.

Client testimonials

"Very quick to respond, appointment set up very promptly."
- Zencare client February 2023