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Katy Roth has been in the field of therapy for over 20 years, with deep expertise in trauma, depression, anxiety, relationships, and work and school performance. She sees many couples, graduate students, and individuals who have experienced trauma. A long time practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism, Katy also works with meditators, assisting them to integrate spiritual practice with their work in psychotherapy. She is also a professional musician and brings her own direct experience with performance and creativity to her work with artists, writers, and performers.
Katy's practice is heavily informed by Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, as well as modalities such as Mindfulness practices, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, and Eye Movement and Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR). Sensorimotor Psychotherapy helps clients use somatic intelligence to engage the body in the therapy process. Katy is one of the few Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Certified Advanced Practitioners in Rhode Island (as of the writing of this profile, she is the only Advanced Practitioner in RI), and uses this method for clients processing trauma, doing couples work, and/or overcoming graduate school challenges.
Katy began her private practice in 1994 after receiving her MSW from Boston University's School of Social Work and previously worked at the Rhode Island Rape Crisis Center.
Trauma - Including dealing with past sexual assault, childhood trauma, environmental trauma (e.g. witnessing/experiencing violence), PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)
Relationship challenges and couples therapy - Feeling unsatisfied in your partnership; communication challenges; addressing issues of power and voice; contemplation of separation; questioning one’s place in the relationship; breakups, friendships, dating; using Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for couples work
Performance and creativity in school and work - Rediscovering any lost performance and/or creativity at work or coursework; graduate student challenges (e.g. dissertation writing, research, writing blocks, career exploration)
Meditation/mindfulness - Assists meditators to integrate spiritual practice with their work in psychotherapy
Integration of spirituality and psychotherapy - Utilizing spirituality as a tool in healing; enjoying a deeper felt connection with the spiritual dimension of one's life
Life transitions - Adjusting to a new life stage, new relationships, career transitions; graduate student career and life transitions; mid-life existential, relationship, and career challenges; losing one’s drive or burn out
Anxiety - Generalized anxiety, social anxiety, panic attacks
Depression - Sleep and energy disruption, overall mood disturbance, inability to enjoy yourself, and difficulty being motivated, amongst many other symptoms
Sexual abuse - Caring support along the pathway to safety, wellbeing, and healing for survivors of sexual abuse and assault; has previously worked at the Rhode Island Rape Crisis Center
Chronic illness - Managing chronic illness ; receiving a diagnosis, contemplating and processing related emotions, viewing through a holistic lens
Cultural adjustment - Moving to a new city, country, and/or culture
Existential challenges/crises - Questioning purpose, spirituality, existence
Family issues - Navigating family challenges; helping parents with their own issues within the context of supporting children
Graduate studies - Navigating any blockage or challenges in dissertation writing, research, writing blocks, career exploration
My practice is full at this time but I would be happy to respond to questions about future availability. While primarily still online, I anticipate resuming some in person meetings in the near future.
Katy is currently not accepting new clients. However, she is open to email contact to answer questions about future availability.