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Robin Woolley is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker practicing in Florida, New Mexico, Arizona, and Michigan. She specializes in anxiety, depression, and trauma.
Robin works via a tele-health platform that allows her to see people in different states. She has worked with numerous cultures across the America's and has developed techniques and practices to help with a multitude of mental health issues. She works with the following: Children and Families, Individual Counseling, Group Therapy, Learning Disabilities, Behavioral Challenges, Substance Abuse, Trauma Recovery, Veterans Self-Care Plans, Clinical Supervision, and Professional Development.
Robin is the co-author of an upcoming book called STOP SUFFERING, START HEALING. An easy-to-use holistic resource for anxiety, depression, and trauma.
Years of Experience: 41 years
Adjustment difficulties & disorders - Support around adapting to new and/or challenging life circumstances; skill-building for improved stress management and reduction of anxiety.
Anxiety - Coping with excessive worry, nervousness, or stress; intense discomfort in social settings (social anxiety); sudden and intense feelings of panic (panic disorder)
Depression - Providing support and promoting healing of hopelessness, low motivation and energy, sadness, irritability, sleep disturbance, and loss of interest and pleasure in life
Self-esteem - Cultivating self-compassion, assertiveness, and confidence; developing ways to reduce suffering, anxiety, social withdrawal, and self-neglect
Trauma - Coping and healing after threatening or scary events, such as witnessing accidents or experiencing sexual, verbal, emotional, or physical abuse
Childhood trauma - Learning how traumatic events in childhood can translate into adulthood; processing through difficult memories with the goal of moving past the experience and lingering symptoms
This provider can support you in getting reimbursement from your insurance company if you are seeking out-of-network reimbursement. Here are the out-of-network billing options they provide:
Frequency of sessions this provider offers to see clients once you are an established client.
Insurances I currently accept in Florida ONLY:
United Health Care, EAP United Health Care, (UMR) Unique Market Reference, Oscar, AvMed, Florida Blue, BCBS, Cigna and Cigna EAP, Aetna. Ask if your insurance is not listed.