

Mentalization Based Treatment Group is a therapeutic approach which aims to increase group members’ ability to mentalize using a manual based psychodynamic therapy. evidence-based approach developed at the Anna Freud Institute in London, is designed to assist people in four main goals: to achieve better behavioral control, to increase affect regulation, to develop more intimate and gratifying relationships and to have the ability to pursue life goals. In this group, Dr. Sarah Church will begin by sharing the theory of mentalization and how it affects mental health. Group members will be encouraged to work together to increase their capacity to understand fellow group members and to improve their own affect regulation, to strengthen interpersonal relationships, and to reduce problematic and self-harm behaviors including alcohol and drug use.

Group Therapist

Wholeview Direct, is a fully virtual outpatient addiction treatment program. Through this program, physicians, nurse practitioners, masters-level clinicians, and peers provide the most effective treatment techniques and therapies for alcohol and substance use disorders using a proven telehealth model designed to make treatment as convenient and accessible as possible. All of our clinicians will work with patients to design a comprehensive individualized treatment plan.

Wholeview Direct

Wholeview Wellness is an outpatient addiction treatment center committed to providing patients with the highest quality therapeutic experience in addiction treatment.

Thursdays 10:30-noon

New York (Online)

Group Fee: $150 per session