Find the Best Therapy Groups in Pennsylvania

Therapy groups and support groups for DBT skills, addiction recovery, trauma, anxiety, and loss run by the best therapists and psychologists in Pennsylvania

Fear of Flying Group

Fear of Flying Group

Group Therapist: Alan Jacobson
Time: Several
Description: This fear of flying group is for those afraid to fly or don't fly and experience severe anticipatory fears and/or anxiety while in flight. I use a variety of clinical techniques, and you get excellent group support. The results have been very positive.
Monthly Meditation with Q&A about Your Spiritual Path

Monthly Meditation with Q&A about Your Spiritual Path

Group Therapist: Jonathan Labman
Time: Second Wednesday of the month, 6 to 8:00PM
Description: This is a group for those who want to explore their spirituality. We hold a brief meditation for 20-minutes (instruction if needed) and then open to a discussion of issues that arise for those working towards spiritual awakening.
Recovery Skill-Building in Community

Recovery Skill-Building in Community

Group Therapist: Jonathan Labman
Time: Evenings 7 to 8:30pm. More created as needed.
Description: Work with others in a psychological-spiritual growth process focused on recovery from trauma and addiction. (Be 3 months sober.) Together, you hold each other accountable to both learn AND put new skills into practice as an alternative to AA.