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Therapy groups and support groups for DBT skills, addiction recovery, trauma, anxiety, and loss run by the best therapists and psychologists in Oregon

Community Wellness Mindfulness Group

Community Wellness Mindfulness Group

Group Therapist: Vanessa Somohano
Time: Wednesday @ 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Description: Drop-in community mindfulness group. Offerings include guided meditation and mindfulness practices followed by discussion. This class is not meant to serve as a replacement for mental health treatment.
Emotional Spring Cleanse and Refresh Seminar

Emotional Spring Cleanse and Refresh Seminar

Group Therapist: Maudeen Jordan
Time: May 10th at the River House, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m
Description: A spring cleanse of toxic emotions of unforgiveness of self and others and a refresh of new techniques for self-care and positive self-talk.