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Angela Beckman is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor in Chicago, IL. Angela specializes in working with adults struggling with Anxiety, Chronic Stress, and Complex Trauma.
Angela is licensed in IL and WA and offers telehealth therapy appointments. Angela uses principals of the polyvagal theory to help gain an understanding of the role of the nervous system in what we are feeling physically, emotionally and with out negative patterns and behaviors.
With Angela, you will learn how to navigate your own nervous system and will be empowered to get yourself out of survival response states, such as fight, flight, or shut down/disconnect.
Years of Experience: 19 years
Anxiety - Coping with excessive worry, nervousness, or stress; intense discomfort in social settings (social anxiety); sudden and intense feelings of panic (panic disorder)
Life transitions - Coping with difficult or impactful life changes, such as moving to a new area, relationship transitions, child rearing, or career changes; learning self-care to better manage resulting stress
Relationship issues - Understanding one’s wants and needs in relationships; exploring patterns of interaction, addressing concerns, and strengthening satisfaction in relationships and dating
Stress management - Strengthening effective ways of coping with the stress of life and change; managing expectations of self and others
Trauma - Coping and healing after threatening or scary events, such as witnessing accidents or experiencing sexual, verbal, emotional, or physical abuse
Panic attacks / panic disorder - Brief, intense periods of overwhelming fear or anxiety