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Mat is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor with the private practice providing telehealth individual therapy throughout Massachusetts. Mat's clients range in the issues they are struggling with but all have at least one thing in common: they are all human beings. Part of being human is to experience thoughts and emotions. Sometimes this can be overwhelming and this is likely why you are searching on this website now.
The decision to come to counseling can be difficult. Taking that leap into the unknown can be scary. Mat believes an individual decides to come to therapy because they have tried everything could to improve their situation but have become stuck. The goal in therapy is to assist the client in becoming ‘unstuck’ and taking steps towards a more rich and meaningful life. Mat will work with you from a down to earth, non judgmental, solution focused, and accepting stance.
Mat’s therapeutic approach is a behavior therapy (like CBT) called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) although he uses ideas from other therapies based on what the individual needs. In ACT, an aim in therapy is to help you with getting your life going in the direction you want it to be going while also helping you to better handle the obstacles along the way. This is done through a goal-oriented, mindfulness based approach tied to YOUR values, not anyone else's.
OCD, phobias, and anxiety are Mat’s specialties. He has training in exposure and response prevention (ERP) which is the gold standard for treatment for OCD and phobias. It does require hard work, commitment, and stepping out of your comfort zone. In doing ERP from an ACT approach, Mat will work with you on this and move at your pace.
Years of Experience: 11 years
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) - Through exposure you will learn that you can still do the things you want to do/live the life you want to live even though there will still be some anxiety along for the ride. The anxiety does not need to disappear for you to move forward. By staying in contact with the anxiety (through exposure) and not engaging in safety behaviors (compulsions), your confidence in your ability to handle the anxiety and discomfort is going to gradually grow.
Phobias & fears - Providing techniques and support to overcome intense fear, anxiety, and panic related to specific triggers, such as heights or crowded spaces. Description of treatment under OCD applies here as well.
Panic attacks / panic disorder - Brief, intense periods of overwhelming fear or anxiety. Description of treatment under OCD applies here as well.
Anxiety - Coping with excessive worry, nervousness, or stress; intense discomfort in social settings (social anxiety); sudden and intense feelings of panic (panic disorder)
Chronic pain - Managing the biological, psychological, and emotional aspects of pain. My role as your therapist is not part of your medical team but, rather, is to help you change your relationship with pain to reduce and even eliminate the secondary suffering which is often common with chronic pain.
Life transitions - Coping with difficult or impactful life changes, such as moving to a new area, relationship transitions, child rearing, or career changes; learning self-care to better manage resulting stress
Frequency of sessions this provider offers to see clients once you are an established client.