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Nikole Barnes is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker licensed in RI, MA and NY specializing in seeing young adults, members of the LGBTQ community, people of color, undergraduate, graduate and international students, and individuals experiencing phase of life changes. She has specialized training and focus in the areas of sexual assault, intimate partner violence, trauma, multicultural counseling, anxiety issues, depression and crisis intervention. Nikole is a queer, trauma-informed, anti-oppression therapist committed to an intentional and validating treatment approach. She is certified in EMDR and is a HAES aligned clinician and works from a decolonizing lens in her work.
Prior to her full time practice, Nikole worked as RISD's Associate Director of Counseling and Psychological Service and the Director of Training and Supervision. She previously worked at Brown University's Counseling and Psychological Services, in addition to New York University's Counseling and Wellness Services, where she provided supportive short-term counseling and emergency and crisis response services for all NYU students with a focus on those majoring in STEM fields.
Nikole earned her BA at Purchase College with a focus on women of color in cinema, and received her MSW from Columbia University.
Years of Experience: 20 years
LGBQ and sexuality topics - Includes coming out, relating to others, identifying and communicating needs, relationships, and family issues
Graduate students - Navigating any blockage or challenges in dissertation writing, research, writing blocks, career exploration
International students - Transitioning from another country, state, or city; adjusting as an international student or out-of-state student
Trauma / Sexual assault - Including dealing with past sexual assault, childhood trauma, environmental trauma (e.g. witnessing/experiencing violence), PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)
Intimate partner violence - Caring support along the pathway to safety, wellbeing, and healing for those surviving a partner’s abusive attempts to control one’s thoughts, beliefs, and actions
Multicultural counseling - Exploring topics of racial, cultural, and ethnic background as it relates to one’s family origins and personal identity
People of color - Working with people of color
Crisis intervention - Provides support during mental health crises
Standard fee sessions ($230) are available. All sliding scale and insurance slots are filled to capacity at this time.
Nikole Barnes is accepting clients paying listed fees or using health insurance out-of-network benefits other than:
Read about the benefits of seeing an out-of-network provider here.
This provider can support you in getting reimbursement from your insurance company if you are seeking out-of-network reimbursement. Here are the out-of-network billing options they provide:
Frequency of sessions this provider offers to see clients once you are an established client.
Emotional Support Animal Assessment and Medical Accommodations Paperwork: For college students I will provide an ESA and/or Medical Accommodations assessment and assist with completing the necessary paperwork to support students. ESA/Medical Accommodation assessments fees are $175, sliding scale available upon request.
My fees are based on an economic justice values tier system. This allows me to accept RISD and Brown Student health insurance and offer 3 sliding scale fee spots. Currently, my insurance and sliding scale spots are full.
I'm accepting full fee clients at this time and will assist with out-of-network reimbursement. I'm registered with Reimbursify to assist clients with this process.
"Over the past year, Nikole and I have talked at length about various complicated therapy patients, and I’ve been consistently struck with her knowledge base, her dedication to patients, and her ability to meet diverse clients where they are in terms of developing their own identity. She is compassionate, non-judgmental, and open. I would trust her with the most complex cases and issues."
- Stephanie Hartselle, MD • June 2017