Anxiety - Coping with excessive worry, nervousness, or stress; intense discomfort in social settings (social anxiety); sudden and intense feelings of panic (panic disorder)
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) - Reducing unwanted intrusive thoughts and rituals by gradually building comfort and confidence facing difficult fears, thoughts, and emotions
Phobias & fears - Providing techniques and support to overcome intense fear, anxiety, and panic related to specific triggers, such as heights or crowded spaces
Social anxiety - Helping clients increase confidence and ability to interact with others amidst fear of being judged, worry about embarrassment, or concern about offending others
Panic attacks / panic disorder - Brief, intense periods of overwhelming fear or anxiety
Performance anxiety - Underperforming, due exclusively to anxiety
Frequency of sessions this provider offers to see clients once you are an established client.
All visits with licensed providers are covered by the insurance plans listed above. Patients meet with licensed providers for initial evaluation, initial therapy session(s) before they are seen weekly by a bachelor's level coach who is supervised daily by the licensed provider. Parents meet monthly with the licensed provider who is supervising their child's care. For insurances not listed, we can provide a Superbill for these licensed provider services. Coaching services are covered by BCBSRI and most Aetna plans; for all other insurance companies coaching services are billed directly to patients and Superbills cannot be generated because coaching is not yet considered a covered service by these other companies.