See Cynthia's Details for:
Cynthia Wilcox is a licensed clinical social worker with over 50 years of experience. She has been in a sole practice for most of those years. After understanding the initial problem presented, she takes a detailed family history. Even though this may seem labor intensive, it begins to show patterns that got their start in early childhood. As young pre-verbal children we assess the "garden we were thrown into and begin to develop survival skills. These survival skills often become our adult problems. An example would be learning to be passive as a way to survive which may have worked then but does not help as the only strategy for adult interactions. Also problem patterns many develop in a repetitive way as when a person whose father abandoned the family has a pattern of only being attracted to unavailable men in the hopes of repairing that damage this time.
Most people arrive in therapy because they are stuck in these old patterns. Cynthia sees her job as identifying those patterns and then helping the client develop new patterns be they of thought or behavior. It often involves letting go of relentless hope that things will change if they just hold on to the old stuff. Cynthia has studied for years with Martha Stark MD at Harvard with her program called The Transformative Power of Optimal Stress. It involves supporting and gently pushing clients to give up old patterns and develop new narratives.
Cynthia's clients see her as very supportive but also "pushy" as she helps them moved along. A client once said to a friend, " You should go see my therapist, Cynthia, but not if you only want someone to listen and commiserate with you!" At 81, she is still at it!!!
Years of Experience: 58 years
Anxiety - Coping with excessive worry, nervousness, or stress; intense discomfort in social settings (social anxiety); sudden and intense feelings of panic (panic disorder)
Aging related concerns - Coping with memory loss, loss of independence, and other physical and/or mental impacts of aging. May include support for family or caregivers and resource planning for changes in living situation.
Depression - Providing support and promoting healing of hopelessness, low motivation and energy, sadness, irritability, sleep disturbance, and loss of interest and pleasure in life
LGBTQIA, gender, and sexuality topics - Exploring topics of sexuality, gender, and identity; coping with discrimination and oppression; navigating relationship, family, and cultural challenges
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) - Reducing unwanted intrusive thoughts and rituals by gradually building comfort and confidence facing difficult fears, thoughts, and emotions
Bipolar disorder - Developing coping and preventive strategies to stabilize extreme mood swings, including manic and depressive episodes; increasing effective strategies to regulate emotions and maintain a healthy daily routine
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Frequency of sessions this provider offers to see clients once you are an established client.
The practice will call you for a free 10min phone call to discuss your needs and ensure a match!
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