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Dr. Debra O’Shea is a Licensed Psychologist practicing in New York State. The majority of Dr. O’Shea’s clients are high-functioning, high-achieving and high profile individuals in their 20s, 30s and 40's. Her clients struggle with general anxiety, daily stressors, public speaking, and performance anxiety.
Dr. O’Shea’s approach integrates Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with insight work designed to help clients learn why they do the things they do. Her style is both warm, compassionate, and straightforward. Working together, she helps her clients overcome their anxious thoughts, worry less and make lasting changes to thrive in their lives.
In addition to her work with individuals, Dr. O’Shea supports couples during moments when their relationship is tested, helping them learn to communicate with truthful compassion. Her background is varied as she has over 20 years of experience working with children, teens and adults in schools, college counseling centers, major medical centers and private practice. She is passionate about the work she does and enjoys working with both individuals and couples.
Anxiety - Coping with excessive worry, nervousness, or stress; intense discomfort in social settings (social anxiety); sudden and intense feelings of panic (panic disorder)
Stress management - Strengthening effective ways of coping with the stress of life and change; managing expectations of self and others
College mental health - Navigating the transition into college and stressors of academics, personal relationships, and self-development
Self-esteem - Cultivating self-compassion, assertiveness, and confidence; developing ways to reduce suffering, anxiety, social withdrawal, and self-neglect
Couples counseling - Addressing relationship challenges and life transitions; strengthening communication and feelings of security, desire, connection, and love
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) - Reducing unwanted intrusive thoughts and rituals by gradually building comfort and confidence facing difficult fears, thoughts, and emotions
I have an online practice utilizing a HIPAA compliant tele-health platform.
Debra O'Shea is not in-network with any insurances.
Read about the benefits of seeing an out-of-network provider here.
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