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Dr. Jennifer Newkirk is a child and adolescent psychologist in Riverside, Rhode Island. She specializes in ADHD, anxiety, OCD, behavioral management, and emotional regulation in children and adolescents. During a 25 plus year career in child psychology, she has developed an expertise in helping children and families navigate emotional and behavioral health.
Dr. Newkirk's practice centers on making clients self-sufficient. She emphasizes the importance of parental involvement in therapy for children and teens. Clients and their families learn skills and strategies to make progress both inside and out of the office, and she is available to families throughout the child's development.
Dr. Newkirk's extensive work experience has led her to help children and adolescents both through her private practice as well as in classrooms, therapeutic groups, and hospital settings. In addition to her private practice, she is a consultant to Head Start and Early Head Start in southeastern Massachusetts.
Years of Experience: 26 years
Child and adolescent psychology - Therapy for children and adolescents
Family therapy - Promoting communication and supporting family members to address challenges, reduce conflict and distress, and solve problems together
Emotion regulation - Learning how to identify, express, and manage feelings in safe, in-control ways
Parenting and behavior management - Understanding one's temperament and the temperament of one's child and learning ways to optimize goodness of fit between parent and child. This may include developing adaptive parenting goals and learning how to accept, contain, and lead one's child.
Anxiety - Treatment of generalized anxiety, social anxiety, panic attacks, selective mutism, school refusal, and specific phobias
ADHD - Understanding the disorder and how it affects children’s ability to regulate themselves and how this, in turn, affects familial and peer relationships as well as schooling
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) - Reducing unwanted intrusive thoughts and rituals through exposure and response prevention (i.e., gradually building comfort and confidence facing difficult fears, thoughts, and emotions without using rituals, avoidance or safety behaviors).
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