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Marie Kearns is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Providence, Rhode Island. In addition to her psychotherapy training, Marie is a certified Reiki practitioner. She sees clients for life transitions, stress, relationship concerns, anxiety, depression, and weight management concerns, and helps clients build a profound connection between body and mind.
Marie's practice is most notable for her incorporation of Reiki, an energetic healing technique that helps clients achieve a strong mind-body connection. She is a certified Reiki practitioner and offers this service as an option for clients who are interested. Marie is unique among Reiki practitioners in that she is able to combine clinical therapy with relaxation and energetic healing; if any past traumatic or emotional experiences arise from the session, she is able to help clients process them during therapy.
Marie received her MA in Holistic Counseling from Salve Regina University, and has worked for nearly 20 years as the Senior Project Director of The Miriam Hospital Weight Control and Diabetes Research Center. She believes in creating a safe space for her clients to feel empowered and achieve their personal goals, and combines therapeutic approaches of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness Practices, Family Systems Therapy, and Reiki.
Anxiety - Generalized anxiety, social anxiety, panic attacks
Depression - Sleep and energy disruption, overall mood disturbance, inability to enjoy yourself, and difficulty being motivated, amongst many other symptoms
Weight management - Healthy approaches to losing weight and promoting positive body image
Emotional eating - Support around distorted body image and beliefs around food; counseling to reshape problematic behaviors and thought patterns; coping strategies for reducing or eliminating episodes of emotional eating
Life transitions - Adjusting to change can be difficult and even happy transitions can cause a great deal of stress; life transitions are significant life events which may include marriages, the beginning/ending of relationships, new jobs, moving, retirement
Mindfulness - Practices to encourage a state of active, open attention on the present
Reiki - A gentle, hands-on therapeutic technique that relieves stress, promotes balance and harmony, and supports your own healing process
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