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Monica Young, LICSW is a clinical social worker practicing in Cambridge, MA. She specializes in working with adolescents, young adults, families and women facing transitions in their lives.
Monica believes that a major goal of therapy is to develop an understanding of how we interact with and relate to the important people and systems in our lives in order to create a deeper sense of meaning and purpose. This kind of self-exploration can be especially important for adolescents and young adults as they seek independence. For Individuals and families who are "stuck" in difficult patterns, it can help to have a therapist guide them through struggles so that they can have more fulfilling interactions and experiences with one another.
Monica works primarily with older adolescents, young adults and families struggling with a range of complex interpersonal and emotional issues. She has more than a decade experience with people from varying cultures and backgrounds, including Latin America, the Caribbean and Asia. She is equally comfortable working with people who would like to focus on common problems as well as more complicated, intense circumstances.
Monica feels it is important to find a therapist with whom there is a good fit and shared sense of goals. Her style is warm, active, casual and collaborative, and she is flexible and integrative in her therapeutic approach. She believes that the trust that develops within the therapeutic relationship can form the basis for healing and growth on a path towards greater ease and happiness in one’s life.
Years of Experience: 12 years
College & graduate student mental health - Specialized strategies for common issues of young adulthood, including school and career stressors, support around healthy relationships, existential concerns, drug or alcohol issues, eating disorders, and anxiety and/or depression.
Loss, grief, and bereavement - Emotionally preparing for the anticipated passing of a loved one; managing feelings and reactions to a death or loss of significance; support during the process of healing and acceptance
Sexual harassment & assault - Caring support along the pathway to safety, wellbeing, and healing for survivors of sexual abuse and assault
Women's issues - Therapy tailored to common concerns among women; providing a safe and understanding space to address life challenges, stressors, and questions around identity as a woman
Childhood trauma - Learning how traumatic events in childhood can translate into adulthood; processing through difficult memories with the goal of moving past the experience and lingering symptoms
Complex PTSD (C-PTSD) - Recovering from the impact of long-term, repeated traumatic events, such as emotional abuse and neglect
Monica Young is not in-network with any insurances.
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