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Dr. Natalie Wilver is a licensed Clinical Psychologist. She offers in-person therapy for adults in Northern Virginia and online therapy in Virginia, Massachusetts, and all PSYPACT states. She has extensive experience working with individuals as they navigate a broad spectrum of challenges, including anxiety, depression, chronic stress, insomnia, chronic pain, interpersonal distress, and adjustment to chronic health diagnoses and difficulties. Dr. Wilver also has additional training and expertise in peri- and post-partum mental health and is committed to helping individuals at any stage of starting a family navigate the unique challenges that may arise.
With extensive training and expertise in evidence-based treatments, Dr. Wilver offers assessment and psychotherapy services that are backed by science and tailored to the individual. Her approach to therapy is rooted in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), a treatment that seeks to relieve distress and enhance daily functioning by focusing on the interrelatedness between thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
Dr. Wilver graduated with distinction from Tufts University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Clinical Psychology. She later earned her Masters and Doctorate degrees from Florida State University. She completed her postdoctoral work at the VA Boston Healthcare System, where she developed additional expertise in behavioral medicine, which emphasizes the use of behavioral health techniques, such as CBT, to treat medical and mental health conditions. Dr. Wilver has over 10 years of training and experience and has published over 20 articles in peer-reviewed journals.
Anxiety - Coping with excessive worry, nervousness, or stress; intense discomfort in social settings (social anxiety); sudden and intense feelings of panic (panic disorder)
Chronic pain - Managing the biological, psychological, and emotional aspects of pain
Pregnancy, perinatal, postpartum mental health - Addressing issues specific to women and families during the pregnancy and postpartum period, including postpartum depression and anxiety
Insomnia & sleep issues - Exploring ways to improve sleep patterns, develop healthy sleep hygiene, master relaxation techniques, manage stressors, reduce worrying, and address insomnia
Stress management - Strengthening effective ways of coping with the stress of life and change; managing expectations of self and others
Women's issues - Therapy tailored to common concerns among women; providing a safe and understanding space to address life challenges, stressors, and questions around identity as a woman
Natalie Wilver is not in-network with any insurances.
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