Somatic Experiencing (SE) Psychologists in Colorado
Find the best Somatic Experiencing (SE) psychologists in Colorado. Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a therapy modality most commonly used with clients who previously experienced traumatic events.
Find the best Somatic Experiencing (SE) psychologists in Colorado. Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a therapy modality most commonly used with clients who previously experienced traumatic events.
Find the best Somatic Experiencing (SE) psychologists in Colorado. Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a therapy modality most commonly used with clients who previously experienced traumatic events. The therapist facilitates activation of the client’s trauma response and then teaches the client how to notice how the trauma shows up in their bodies. The therapist then works with the client to cope with their emotional responses, including through the use of relaxation skills.
Find psychologists in Colorado who are trained in Somatic Experiencing (SE) below. Many providers have been vetted by the Zencare team for clinically rigorous, quality care. Visit their profiles to watch an introductory video and book a free initial call to find a good fit!
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