Learning Disabilities Therapists in Tennessee

A learning disability is a type of developmental disorder that affects a person’s ability to process and understand information. Learning disabilities are usually identified in early childhood, but in some cases are not identified until later in life.

7 Matching Therapists with Availability

Raelyn Loiselle Roberson's profile picture

Raelyn Loiselle Roberson


Accepting clients from Tennessee

Learning disabilitiesADHD Anxiety Autism spectrum disorder DepressionParenting
Online only
Rachel  Minelli's profile picture

Rachel Minelli


Accepting clients from Tennessee

Learning disabilitiesADHDAutism spectrum disorderDevelopmental disordersParentingNeuropsychological testing
Online only
Lynne  Clure's profile picture

Lynne Clure


Accepting clients from Tennessee

Learning disabilitiesAcademic challengesADHDAutism spectrum disorderChild mental healthParenting
Online only
Takashi  Matsuki's profile picture

Takashi Matsuki


Accepting clients from Tennessee

Learning disabilitiesAnxietyDepressionBipolar disorderObsessive compulsive disorderPost-traumatic stress disorder
Online only

Next available consults:

Matthew  Mandelbaum's profile picture

Matthew Mandelbaum


Accepting clients from Tennessee

Learning disabilitiesMental Health Counseling for ProfessionalsDialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)AnxietyDepressionYoung professionals' mental health
Online only

Next available consults:

Abigail  Kopelman's profile picture

Abigail Kopelman


Accepting clients from Tennessee

Learning disabilitiesADHD Anxiety Autism spectrum disorder DepressionParenting
Online only
Jeffrey Scott Selman's profile picture

Jeffrey Scott Selman


Accepting clients from Tennessee

Learning disabilitiesADHD Anxiety Autism spectrum disorderChild mental health Depression
Online only

1-7 of 7 providers who match your search criteria

1 Matching Therapists with No Availability

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