See Anne's Details for:
Anne Cazzell is a mental health counselor and art therapist practicing in Massachusetts. She specializes in supporting clients to cope with anxiety, worry, stress, and self-esteem issues and those who are going through or anticipating upcoming life transitions and/or relational issues.
Anne's practice offers counseling services to adults in the greater Boston area, as well as throughout Massachusetts via virtual sessions. She often works with graduate students and young professionals as they consider goals for their life and cope with present-day stressors. She offers strengths-based, compassionate care with a person-centered, humanistic therapeutic approach.
Anne has worked as an outpatient therapist in a community mental health center and a group practice prior to establishing her private practice. She has worked as the Senior Clinician at a therapeutic after school program for children with complex social, emotional, and behavioral needs. As a registered art therapist, she has also led art therapy groups, individual sessions, and open art studios.
Years of Experience: 9 years
Anxiety - Coping with excessive worry, nervousness, or stress; intense discomfort in social settings (social anxiety); sudden and intense feelings of panic (panic disorder)
Life transitions - Coping with difficult or impactful life changes, such as moving to a new area, relationship transitions, child rearing, or career changes; learning self-care to better manage resulting stress
Relationship issues - Understanding one’s wants and needs in relationships; exploring patterns of interaction, addressing concerns, and strengthening satisfaction in relationships and dating
Self-esteem - Cultivating self-compassion, assertiveness, and confidence; developing ways to reduce suffering, anxiety, social withdrawal, and self-neglect
Stress management - Strengthening effective ways of coping with the stress of life and change; managing expectations of self and others
Worry - Learning how worry shows up in one’s life and exploring how worry impacts daily life, relationships, and wellbeing; developing coping skills to mitigate the impacts of worry
Frequency of sessions this provider offers to see clients once you are an established client.
Self-pay $150 for 60 minute session
Copayments taken at time of session via Stripe
The practice will call you for a free 10min phone call to discuss your needs and ensure a match!
This provider has no upcoming call times available.