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Dr. Matthew McCall is a Licensed Psychologist located in Denver, Colorado. He works primarily with individual adults, helping them face and overcome a wide variety of psychological difficulties. Dr. McCall is not frightened by the severity of his patients' symptoms or suffering, and finds the greatest satisfaction when facilitating a life-changing experience within therapy.
Dr. McCall works within a treatment framework called Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP), in which he has received over three years of post-doctoral training and supervision. This form of treatment sounds complex, but is simple at its core. Dr. McCall works in close collaboration with the patient to identify the frightening and painful feelings that he or she wards off without realizing it, and then helps them face these feelings, release them, and learn from them. Dr. McCall believes that all patients can be helped, and that therapy should aim at a complete resolution of symptoms and a full and happy life.
Dr. McCall is a focused and careful therapist who avoids wasting his patients' time. He cares deeply about the people he works with, and spends time continuing to learn and enhance his skills. While Dr. McCall thinks about patients from the framework of ISTDP, he is tuned in to each patient and flexible in his approach. He always does his best to connect with his patients, and to maintain a trusting relationship throughout the course of therapy. He delights in each patient's growth.
Dr. McCall has a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the Institute for the Psychological Sciences, and over 8 years of experience working with patients. He is currently seeing patients over video and in person.
Years of Experience: 9 years
Personality disorders - Identifying problematic relational patterns; understanding emotional reactions maintaining these patterns; facing core emotional conflicts.
Anxiety - Understanding and resolving chronic anxiety, panic, and avoidance of feared situations or stimuli by facing underlying emotional conflicts.
Depression - Understanding and resolving symptoms of depression by facing underlying emotional conflicts.
Trauma - Processing traumatic events and the overwhelming emotions they provoked.
Sexual health & dysfunction - Identifying core emotional and relational conflicts causing sexual dysfunction; working through these conflicts through dynamic therapy techniques.
Relationship issues - Understanding deeply-rooted relationship patterns; identifying emotional conflicts or deficits underlying the patterns; working through these conflicts through dynamic therapy techniques.
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