See Benjamin's Details for:
Benjamin Hamburger is a Licensed Psychologist practicing virtually in both California and New York. Dr. Hamburger works with individual patients aged 12-55 who are dealing with issues of anxiety, depression, and ADHD. Dr. Hamburger also works with couples and parents.
Many people who see Dr. Hamburger are dealing with issues of attention that can impact their performance at work or school, their interpersonal relationships, as well as their own self-esteem and anxiety. His clients typically are dealing with an overwhelming amount of stress and are looking for tools, skills, and guidance geared specifically for them. Dr. Hamburger's treatment style focuses on each individual person's needs (What might work for one person might not be right for another). Dr. Hamburger uses a skills-based approach, combined with mindfulness practices, while also making sure to process deeper issues for those who want to explore larger patterns in their lives.
In addition to his individual work, Dr. Hamburger works with couples and parents. As a couples therapist, Dr. Hamburger tries to help both members of the couple to identify their own emotions while also recognizing the emotions of their partner. Through this emotion-focused lens, both partners can feel heard and that can lead to more productive conversations. When working with parents, Dr. Hamburger provides parenting training for parents who are dealing with behavioral issues, inattention, and just overall feelings of being overwhelmed.
Dr. Hamburger also provides neuropsychological assessments geared toward identifying attention disorders and learning disabilities. People who come to Dr. Hamburger for an assessment are often seeking accommodations at school or at work.
Dr. Hamburger's practice is fully remote which offers flexibility and convenience to you. He is currently accepting new patients and provides a 15-minute consultation to ensure that it is a good fit.
Years of Experience: 9 years
Academic challenges - Addressing underperformance in coursework, school avoidance, and procrastination
ADHD - Skill-building and support around organizational challenges, distracted attention, procrastination; building and maintaining healthy routines and structure
Anxiety - Coping with excessive worry, nervousness, or stress; intense discomfort in social settings (social anxiety); sudden and intense feelings of panic (panic disorder)
Couples counseling - Addressing relationship challenges and life transitions; strengthening communication and feelings of security, desire, connection, and love
Depression - Providing support and promoting healing of hopelessness, low motivation and energy, sadness, irritability, sleep disturbance, and loss of interest and pleasure in life
Neuropsychological testing - Evaluations of general brain functioning, as well as assessment for changes or impairments. Typically involves an interview, as well as series of tests.
I am physically located in California, so I am able to offer evening sessions for my New York patients who work long hours.
I do work with some insurance plans with "Out of Network Benefits." I am more than happy to look into your plan for you, if you aren't sure about your specific plan.
Neuropsychological assessments include testing, verbal feedback, a written report, and any follow-up necessary with schools and work. The fee for this assessment is $5000.